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Hi 👋, I'm Snehal Nakil

Frontend Web Developer


  • 🚀 Frontend Alchemist | Code Wizard | JavaScript Artisan 🪄

  • 🔮 Unleashing JavaScript Magic, Taming HTML & CSS 🪄

  • 🌌 Navigating the Cosmos of ReactJS and Beyond 🌐

  • 🌱 Continuously Learning, Forever Evolving 🚀

  • 📡 Exploring the MEAN & MERN Stacks 🌐

  • 🌱 Always Learning, Forever Coding 🚀

  • 🚀 Crafting digital symphonies in C++, orchestrating Java's elegance, and painting web dreams with the strokes of a frontend maestro.💻🎨

  • 👨‍💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/SnehalNakil-17

  • 📫 How to reach me nsnehal2003@gmail.com

Connect with me:

snehalnakil17 snehal nakil snehalnakil02 @nsnehal2003 snehal_nakil02 snehal_nakil02 snehal_nakil02 Snehal#0745

Languages and Tools:

angularjs c cplusplus java figma firebase git
css3 java javascript html5django angular nodejs
php react sass mysql mongodb
