Docker Obsidian Scheduler 4.10.1

This repository contains the Dockerfile and automated configuration file to create an Obsidian scheduler standalone instance. The Git repo is forked from EnMobile/docker-obsidian

Base Docker Image

tomcat:jre8 from DockerHub


Install Docker.

Download automated build from public DockerHub Registery:

docker pull codingwombat/obsidian-scheduler:4.10.1

Alternatively, you can build an image directly from this repository:

docker build -t="codingwombat/obsidian-scheduler:4.10.1"


docker run -d -p 80:8080 codingwombat/obsidian-scheduler:4.10.1

Default user / password are "admin" / "changeme" (see the Obsidian Scheduler wiki for more information)


Option 1 - docker run

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -v <path-to/location-to-persist/tasks-and-config>:/mnt/db/obsidian codingwombat/obsidian-scheduler:4.10.1

where <path-to/location-to-persist/tasks-and-config> is an absolute path of a directory to store the H2 database that contains Obsidian task configuration and history

Option 2 - docker-compose up

See the docker-compose.yaml file in this repository for a quick example. Consider adding a volume: section!

        - db/obsidian:/mnt/db/obsidian

After starting up

After few seconds, open http://<host>:<port> to see the Obsidian admin console and log in using "admin" / "changeme".