
Omnidirectional robot developed at Multi-robot Systems Lab, Stanford University

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Omnidirectional robot developed at Multi-robot Systems Lab, Stanford University

Robot side: use package "ouijabot"

  • ssh into the robot
  • Check /etc/hosts to see if the master IP has been added
  • Edit ~/.bahsrc so that the following two lines reflect the robot's own IP as well as the master IP
export ROS_HOSTNAME=ouijabot1 # robot's own hostname/IP
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://msl-Lenovo:11311 # PC hostname/IP
  • In ouijabot/launch/ouijabot.launch, edit the number in group ns="ouijabot1" if you need to change the index of the robot
  • catkin_make the package
  • source ./catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  • Fire roslaunch ouijabot ouijabot.launch and ready to go!
  • Important: please poweroff the Raspberry Pi (run sudo poweroff in ssh) before turning off the Ouijabot

Laptop side: use package "ouijabot_telop_cpp"

  • Check /etc/hosts and ~/.bashrc like we did for the robot
  • In ouijabot_telop_cpp/launch/telop.launch, change the index in remap from="vel_out" to="/ouijabot1/cmd_vel" if need to control different ouijabots
  • Fire roslaunch ouijabot_telop_cpp telop.launch and enjoy driving the Ouijabot!
  • Optionally, you can use roslaunch ouijabot_telop_cpp telop_mux.launch to control multiple ouijabots using one joystick! Hold button 7,8,9,10 to select ouijabot 1,2,3,4, or hold button 12 to select all the robots.

IMU Calibration

  • The IMU calibration (gyro and accelerometer) will be performed automatically upon robot bootup. The calibration will start 3 seconds after the robot is powered on, and will take a few more seconds to finish.
  • It is recommended to keep the robot level and still for at least 10 seconds after powering it on so that the calibration can be done correctly.
  • Optionally, the calibration can also be done on the ROS side (Raspberry Pi). However this code is not yet available. You are welcome to send a pull request for this.


If you use the robot, please consider citing the following article:

Zijian Wang, Guang Yang, Xuanshuo Su, and Mac Schwager, "OuijaBots: Omnidirectional Robots for Cooperative Object Transport with Rotation Control using No Communication", Proc. of the International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems (DARS), London, UK, November, 2016