
Presentation about running Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes

MIT LicenseMIT

About Me

I'm Joe Zack, software engineer who works with streaming analytics using a lot of Kafka, Elasticsearch, and Kubernetes. I have a podcast with a couple friends where we talk about all things Software Development, if you like this presentation, then you'll probably like Coding Blocks!

What's this all about?

In this presentation we are going to build a local development environment for the Elastic Stack that will be easy to work with in Kubernetes.

  • Why you should consider running Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK)
  • See what you can do with it

The code for this up on Github, there is a link in the description. Of course, I tried to make it as easy as possible to get started. I tried to be really careful when I did this, because sometimes presentations or videos or blogs will boil something down to a really simple prototype. As soon as you try to make any changes, the whole thing falls apart because the prototype was designed to be demonstratable, not for production.

I want this demonstration to be different. I want to give you something you can take and make your own. In fact we'll be creating and evolving several different envronments throughout this talk.

What is ECK?

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes is a essentially a plugin for Kubernetes that greatly simplifies the orchestration of Elastic bits. Allgedly it's what Elastic uses as the engine under the covers for Elastic Cloud, minus the snazzy UI.

Why Run Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes?

  • Benefits of Kubernetes
    • Software Defined Architecture
    • Portable
    • Self-Documenting
  • Experimentation

Why not?

  • Elastic Cloud
  • Complexity
  • Performance


  • Start Docker
  • Settings > Kubernetes
  • Settings > Resources
  • k9s -n all

About k9s

  • Open-Source- CLI tool for interacting w/ Kubernetes

  • Resource oriented like Kubernetes

    • See all the :abilities with :alias
    • Filter w/ /
  • Supports most of the kubectl commands

    • AutoComplete
    • Easy filtering
    • Log Viewer
  • Polls resources

    • Great for presentations!

Important types of resources

  • Pods
    • Smallest Unit that Kubernetes cares about
    • Hosts one or more containers
    • Can be associated with PersistentVolumes
  • StatefulSets
    • Define one or more pods
    • Designed to maintain state via PersistentVolumes
  • Services
    • Abstraction for DNS, Load Balancers, external resources etc
    • Associates name/IP with one or more pods

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes

Install the Elastic Operator

  • kubectl apply -f https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/2.3.0/operator.yaml
  • Creates an operator in :namespace elastic-system
  • An operator is like a person on your team that is responsible for managing your Kubernetes cluster
  • It will take your Elasticsearch and Kibana resource definitions and translate it to Kubernetes resources
  • Operator documentation

Install Elasticsearch

  • kubectl apply -f k8s/3_cluster/elasticsearch.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f k8s/3_cluster/kibana.yaml
  • :elasticsearch, :statefulset, :pods, :persistentvolume, :service

But how do we see it?

  • Clusters are closed to the outside world by default
  • We need to open up a port, k9s makes it easy to port-forward
    • And it uses https
    • And it generates a password for authentication
    • Get the password with :secrets
  • How can we use this in our apps?
curl \
  --cacert /certificates/ca.crt \
  --key /certificates/tls.key \
  --cert /certificates/tls.crt \
  -u elastic:$ELASTIC_PASSWORD \


  • Adding nodes
  • Delete nodes
  • What happens to replicas?
  • Rolling upgrade
    • Downgrade not supported!
  • Different types of services
    • Kibana
  • Setting up beats
  • See everything we've set up today: kubectl -n default get all

Where do we go from here?

Tools Used