
2223-otj-10-project-the-car-rental-system-PRPenchev20 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC++

Car Rental System

This is a Car Rental System project developed by PRPenchev20 for the OTJ-10 course at CodingBurgas.

Project Overview

The Car Rental System is a software application that allows users to manage vehicles and customers for a car rental business. It provides functionality to add new vehicles, update vehicle details, delete vehicles, add new customers, update customer information, delete customers, rent and return vehicles, and view all available vehicles.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following components:

  • CarRentalSystem.BLL: Business Logic Layer that contains the business logic and operations.
  • CarRentalSystem.DAL: Data Access Layer that handles data storage and retrieval.
  • CarRentalSystem.PL: Presentation Layer that provides the user interface for interacting with the system.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/codingburgas/2223-otj-10-project-the-car-rental-system-PRPenchev20.git
  2. Build the project using a C++ compiler.
  3. Run the executable file to launch the Car Rental System application.


The Car Rental System provides a menu-based interface where users can select various options to perform different operations. Some of the key features include:

  • Add a new vehicle
  • View all vehicles
  • Update a vehicle
  • Delete a vehicle
  • Add a new customer
  • Update customer information
  • Delete a customer
  • Rent a vehicle
  • Return a vehicle


Contributions to the Car Rental System project are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.