
school-project-assignment-mission-possible created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC


GitHub contributors GitHub contributors

📋 Description

Our goal is to provide access to an easier and more interesting way to study the material. We have created an online environment as close to the real world as possible, where anyone can register and have their own account. After each test, you will be graded based on the
knowledge you have demonstrated. Join our challenge!


Name Role Grade
Dimaya Noneva Scrum trainer 🟥 9B
Stoyan Hristov Back-end developer 🟥 9B
Kaloyan Ivanov Back-end developer 🟥 9B
Teodor Tanev Back-end developer 🟦10G
Georgi Filipov Back-end developer 🟦10G
Georgi Atanasov Back-end developer 🟦10G

📃 Documents

Used technologies 🗂

Visual Studio logo MS Word logo MS PowerPoint logo GitHub Canva logo Teams logo

git clone "https://github.com/codingburgas/school-project-assignment-mission-possible.git"

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