####Created by [Catherine Tran] (https://github.com/tranc489) for the Database Basics Assessment on August 22, 2014####
#####Description: A program for Vampires to input their favorite blood types as well as blood donation locations, and then assign blood types to blood donation locations. They can then later search to see which locations possess their favorite bloooood. Imgur
#####Requirements: Ruby, terminal, PostgreSQL
#####Instructions: Download zip file. Open terminal, and change directory to location of the file. In terminal, type "$ ruby blood_tracker_ui.rb." Have fun!
#####Known Bugs/Functionalities not yet created:
- When vamp assigns a Blood Type id to a Donation Location id, any input that is not an existing id will be input into the database as '0'
- Vamp must input ID # of the items, instead of the name. In the future, planning on swapping this so that vamp can input the name and also have names returned.
- Vamp cannot yet delete existing Blood Types or Donation Locations.
####License: MIT