Nickname Generator: Generate Cool Nicknames Online

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Everybody these days seems to have their own gamertag. From the hardest of core esports fanatics to the chillest of casual phone tappers, they all have their own unique gaming identities. With gaming being such a dominant market, you’d have to be living under a rock to not know about them. Platforms that carry and sell games each have their own unique type of gamer identifier.

What is

Nickname-Generator.NET is a website containing various online name generators:

  • Gamertags for boys
  • Gamertags for girls
  • Nicknames for boys
  • Nicknames for girls

Tech info

Technology wise, this website is developed using NodeJS.

Initially, the intention was have a one-page application. But, as adding more and more generators I also decided to add a blog section.

So, for the blog section I started developing a CMS system. Each post is written in HTML and pages are put together with the Handlebars JS templating system.

For the client side, I used Bootstrap 5.0.0 and Sass to generate the CSS and Browserify, for bundling the JavaScript code.

This project uses:

Contact me: @codingdudecom

Follow Nickname Generator: @nikgenerator