
Maintainability Test Coverage

iReporter is a web app that enables citizens bring any form of corruption to the notice of appropriate authorities and the general public.

📖 Getting started

  1. Clone this repository into your local machine:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies

3 start the server with yarn start:dev


Below are the features of iReporter.

Users can signup and login
Users can post intervention and red-flag records
Users can edit the comment and location of their records
Admins can edit the status of records
Users can see email notifications when admins change the status of their records

Technologies used

Modern JavaScript technologies were adopted for this project

ES2015: Also known as ES6 or ES2015 or ECMASCRIPT 6, is a new and widely used version of Javascript that makes it compete healthily with other languages.

React.js: SPA frontend framework

Redux: State management library


  • To run test, run yarn test