
Learn the basics of streaming data with Apache Pulsar. Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform.

Primary LanguagePython

Getting Started with Pulsar

This repo is an example of using Apache Pulsar. It's made to help you better understand how Pulsar works in a local environmen so you can test all kinds of features of Pulsar.


  • Python3.7 installed (The pulsar-client requires 3.7)
  • Docker & Docker Compost installed

1. Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/codingforentrepreneurs/getting-started-with-pulsar
cd getting-started-with-pulsar

2. Create python3.7 Venv & Install Requirements

Yes, you have to use Python3.7 to leverage the python pulsar-client

python3.7 -m venv venv

Activate it (mac/linux)

source venv/bin/activate


$(venv) python3.7 -m pip install pip --upgrade
$(venv) python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Run docker-compose

docker compose up --build
  • replace docker compose with docker-compose where necessary
  • Run with -d once you have the who repo working.
  • Our pulsar conatiner is named gs_pulsar so we can more easily run commands

4. Now we'll create a new tenant, namespace, and topic

Here are the details for our tenant:

  • tenant name: cfe-tenant
  • namespace: example-namespace (think of it as cfe-tenant/example-namespace)
  • topics:
    • input-topic (think of this as persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic)
    • output-topic (think of this as persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic)

Here are the commands:

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants create cfe-tenant
docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create cfe-tenant/example-namespace

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin topics create persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic
docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin topics create persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic

The Puslar/Docker command references are below

5. Create a Pulsar Function

Functions give us the ability to modify data from an input topic and send it to an output topic.

In our local repo, we have the directory example_functions that contains cfemain.py which contains a class called EchoFunction which contains a method called process. Please review this method to understand the logic behind it.

In our above example we remember that we have:

  • tenant name: cfe-tenant
  • namespace: example-namespace (think of it as cfe-tenant/example-namespace)
  • topics:
    • input-topic (think of this as persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic)
    • output-topic (think of this as persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic)

To create a function we need all the above plus

  • An actual python class or function to handle input data (it can be a Java function too)
  • A docker container path to the actual function (/pulsar/example_functions/cfemain.py). Remember that example_functions/ is being mounted within our Docker container at /pulsar/example_functions/. This mounting was done manually within docker-compose.yaml

Here's the command:

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin functions create \
  --py /pulsar/example_functions/cfemain.py \
  --classname cfemain.EchoFunction \
  --tenant cfe-tenant \
  --namespace example-namespace \
  --name cfe-echo-function \
  --inputs persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic \
  --output persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic

Personally, when updating this function, I find it easiest to just delete it and start over. To delete it just use:

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin functions delete \
  --tenant cfe-tenant \
  --namespace example-namespace \
  --name cfe-echo-function

6. Consumer and Producer

Assuming you completed everything above, we can now run our consumer and producer.


Run the producer as many times as you like; if Pulsar is running (ie docker compose up --build) the producer can start sending data (messages).

$(venv) python3.7 app/producer.py

This producer will send messages directly to our default input topic cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic

If you need to change topics for your producer to send to, you can:

$(venv) python3.7 app/producer.py cfe-tenant/example-namespace/topic-that-does-not-yet-exist

if you run this topic, you can use cfe-tenant/example-namespace/topic-that-does-not-yet-exist in a consumer too!


Let's boot up our consumer. This will run (and listen) for a producer to start sending items to Pulsar.

Default Consumer for the Input Topic

Defaults to listening to cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic

$(venv) python3.7 app/consumer.py

The default consumer/topic skips what our Pulsar function does.

Consumer for the Output Topic

The output topic, as you may be aware, recieves data from the Pulsar Function we implemented above using Python. To listen to that data we must pass our topic in:

$(venv) python3.7 app/consumer.py cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic

Notice that cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic is reused exactly from above

7. Pulsar Admin Reference Commands

Tenant List

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants list

We should see:


Tenant Create (create)

Create a new Tenant

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants create cfe-example

The format is docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants create <tenant name>

Tenant Detail (get)

Get Tenant

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants get public

The format is docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants get <tenant name>

Tenant Delete (delete)

Delete Tenant

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants delete cfe-example

The format is docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin tenants delete <tenant name>

Create Function

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin functions create \
  --py /pulsar/example_functions/cfemain.py \
  --classname cfemain.EchoFunction \
  --tenant cfe-tenant \
  --namespace example-namespace \
  --name cfe-echo-function \
  --inputs persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/input-topic \
  --output persistent://cfe-tenant/example-namespace/output-topic

Delete Function

docker exec -it gs_pulsar /pulsar/bin/pulsar-admin functions delete \
  --tenant cfe-tenant \
  --namespace example-namespace \
  --name cfe-echo-function