
Simple Made Easy - Rich Hickey

Boundaries - Gary Bernhardt

The Future of Programming - Bret Victor

Inventing on Principle - Bret Victor

The Humane Representation of Thought - Bret Victor

Onward! - Does Thought Crime Pay? - Gilad Bracha

A Tale of Two MVCs - Yehuda Katz

Invent the future, don't recreate the past - Reginald Braithwaite

Process and Organization

What We Actually Know About Software Development, and Why We Believe It's True - Greg Wilson

The Top 10 Ways To Scam The Modern American Programmer - Zed Shaw

Conway's Law and You: How to Organize your Organization for Optimal Development - Michael Feathers


Workflows of Refactoring - Martin Fowler

Therapeutic Refactoring - Katrina Owen


Why We Need Architects - Rebecca Wirfs Brock

Architecture The Lost Years - Bob Martin


CQRS and Event Sourcing - Greg Young

Functional Programming

Destructuring Functional Programming - Gilad Bracha

Don't Fear the Monad - Brian Beckman

Functional Programming Design Patterns - Scott Wlaschin

Haskell in the Newsroom - Erik Hinton

Always Be Composing- Zach Tellman

Functional Programming for OO Development - Jessica Kerr

Rescuing JavaScript from itself - Brian McKenna

Superhero Monads - Katie Miller

Persistent Data Structure and Managed References - Rich Hickey

Railway oriented programming: Error handling in functional languages - Scott Wlaschin

Reactive Programming

Reactive Design & Language Paradigms - Dean Wample


Integration Tests Are a Scam - Joe Rainsberger

Testing Revisited - Michael Feathers


More CSS Secrets: Another 10 things you may not know about CSS - Lea Verou

CSS in the 4th Dimension - Lea Verou

The Chroma Zone Engineering Color on the Web - Lea Verou


Wat - Gary Bernhardt

Making Games at Runtime with Clojure - Zach Oakes