Startup Weekend Team Tracker Application, July 7, 2017
By Anna Kuznetsova
Team Tracker
Web java application that allows a Startup Weekend coordinator to track teams and their members.
- User can go to the homepage and see a list of Teams.
- User should be able to add a new Team and then viewing a list of Teams.
- User can view the members of each Team.
- User should be able to add a new Team member and then viewing a list of these Team members.
Setup/Installation Requirements
Working website on Heroku
Clone the project from Github.
Navigate to the project folder. On the terminal, type "gradlew run", then enter the following in the browser's URL bar: http://localhost:4567/.
Technologies Used
- Idea
- Java
- jUnit
- Gradle
- Spark
- Apache Velocity Engine
Copyright 2017 Anna Kuznetsova