- Your GraphQL endpoint: https://boiling-bastion-96890.herokuapp.com/graphql
- The documentation of the GraphQL endpoint (Note! We didn't wrote any documentation, just a normal GraphQL API): https://graphqlbin.com/v2/WLPqS6 (We recommend using Chrome)
- Paper, pen, redbull,...
Open the GraphQL playground in your browser https://graphqlbin.com/v2/WLPqS6 (Safari doesn't work) and follow the instructions in the comments
yarn start
You'll have a bunch of error messages, fix them in the next step.
Run the introspection query, so the ppx can typecheck based on the graphql_schema : https://github.com/apollographql/reason-apollo#send-introspection-query
Add a header in the App
in ReasonApolloClient
, setup a basic apollo client
In Index
, enhance your application with the ApolloProvider
in MessagesContainer
, write your first GraphQL query with ReasonApollo. Copy paste the query you wrote in the playground.
Once you have the messages, pass them to the Messages
component. (It's important we keep this structure for the end of the app)
in Messages
, map over all messages and pass each message to the ChatBubble
You can view all messages now! Let's add a message
in AddMessage
, transform the statelessComponent
component in a reducerComponent and keep track of the input value in your state.
Make use of the Handler
module, to help you get the value from the onChange event
Add a GraphQL mutation with ReasonApollo (copy paste your mutation) Use the hardcoded userId for now!
We need to
- add a websocket link
- make use of the split function. This is its signature:
type test = operation => bool;
type split = test => link1 => link2 => link
Split, takes a test predicate, a link1 and another link2 and returns a link.
The purpose is to use the http link for queries and mutations and the websocket link for subscriptions.
There's an example doing just that: https://github.com/apollographql/reason-apollo/blob/master/examples/swapi/src/Client.re
If you're running out of time, skip this and write the Notification. (Note, you won't have live data if skipping, but an understanding of subscriptions)
in MessagesContainer
, write your subscription.
IMPORTANT! don't use the Subscription component!
use subscribeToMore
which is a field in the object passed down in the render prop of the Query
({result, subscribeToMore}) => ...
You only want to subscribeToMore
when the Messages
component mounted.
Here is the documentation about subscribeToMore in react-apollo.
In reason-apollo,
[@bs.module] external gql: ReasonApolloTypes.gql = "graphql-tag";
let messageAdded = MessageAddedSubscription.make();
let subscriptionAST = gql(. messageAdded##query);
let _unsubscribe = subscribeToMore(
~updateQuery={(prev, next) => {
/* HINT: this part will be fully auto typed in a near feature, it isn't for now. When you are in those circumstances, write JS in Reason ;) */
let addNewMessage = [%bs.raw {|
function(prev, next) {
console.log('prev', prev);
console.log('next', next);
// TODO concatenate new message
// ES6 is not configured, use Object.assign({}, prev, {})
return prev;
addNewMessage(prev, next);
Write the subscription (copy paste the one you used in the playground)
Use the Subscription component to be notified of a subscription.
Everytime you have data, render a HTML5 àudio
with àutoPlay
. You have a notification.ogg and notification.mp3 available
<audio autoPlay=true>
<source src="notification.ogg" _type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="notification.mp3" _type="audio/mpeg" />
Improve some styling, store your userId in state