bolt test

a demo for issues: neo4j/neo4j#12551

综述 overview


The BOLT of Neo4j use JSON for data transmission, obviously JSON is an inefficient way, and this demo shows how slow JSON is by comparing it with the ProtoBuffer

run this demo

运行src\main\java\com\bolttest\server\,将启动一个Neo4j,并注册两个自定义存储过程test.topotest.topopb, 这两个存储过程都是返回100000条测试数据,只是test.topopb用protobuffer套了个壳


Run src\main\java\com\bolttest\server\ will launch a Neo4j and register two custom stored procedures' test.topo 'and' test.topopb ', Both of these stored procedures return 100,000 test data, but with a shell called ProtoBuffer for test.topopb

Then, run the two test classes under src\test\java\com\bolttest\client, and observe that the run takes time, you can find that 'test.topopb' is 10 times faster