

Front-End - React + Redux + Material-UI

Back-End - Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB

To run it locally -

Steps to run in development mode:-

  1. Fork the repo and clone it.
  2. Switch to development branch for running in development mode.
  3. Make sure you have npm Node.js & MongoDB installed in your system.
  4. [Only once] Run (from the root) npm install and cd client && npm install.
  5. Open two terminal windows (one for running Server and other for the UI).
  6. Start MongoDB service with sudo service mongod start.
  7. Run npm server to start the server. By default it will run on port 5000.
  8. For UI run npm client and it will open on a new tab on port 3000.
  9. Go to http://localhost:3000 to see the application running.

Steps to run in production mode:-

Follow steps 1 & 3-7 for running in production mode. This time go to http://localhost:5000 to see the application running.