Ecommerce Course

Completed files


Node JS installed We are running Node, Gulp, and MYSQL

If you are not following along from scratch and wish to run this project download or clone this repo and follow these steps


sudo npm i -g @adonisjs/cli
sudo npm install har-validator@latest --save-dev
sudo npm install
sudo npm install gulp@3.9.1 -g 
sudo npm install webpack@4.25.1 -g
sudo npm install webpack-cli@3.1.2 -g

Running App

check both versions of gulp are 3.9.1 local and global

gulp -v

Then make sure to make a new copy of the .env.example file and rename it to .env thats where you will put your passwords or database info

cp .env.example .env

Run adonis key:generate to generate the secret key

adonis key:generate

Run adonis migration:run to setup the database

adonis migration:run

Serve Application in Dev mode

adonis serve --dev

Then Run Browser sync in proxy in a new terminal window

npm run proxy

Site will be live at localhost:3000


Build static files for production

npm run build