
🎨 A port of the modern, good-looking, productivity-increaser theme of Codely for vim.

Primary LanguageVim Script

🎨 Codely VIM theme port

Codely Theme example
A port of the modern, good-looking, productivity-increaser theme of Codely for VIM

How to install

Option 1: Manual

Download the repo and move /colors/codely-theme.vim to ~/.vim/colors directory.

Option 2: vim-plug

If you have vim-plug installed, include this lines in your .vimrc:

Plug 'codingpotions/codely-vim-theme'

set background=dark

colorscheme codely-theme


If the colors are wrong maybe is beacuse this theme requires vim to support the +termguicolors option.

Try to add this line into your .vimrc:

set termguicolors


This is my first theme so there may be certain bugs, if you find any and know how to fix it, feel free to send me a PR.