
Some useful stuff for better Mvvm in WPF

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Some useful stuff for better Mvvm in WPF


  • XCommand (To bind between Events, Commands, Methods and Property for CanExecute) with smart refresh of the CanExecute (Have some code evaluation features similar to Eval).
  • Eval Binding with Code Evaluation (Avalonia UI Style and more)
    • On DataContext (Properties and methods directly available)
    • ElementName #Name.Something
    • RelativeSource $self, $parent (LogicalTree), $$parent (VisualTree), $parent[TypeName], $parent[3], $parent[TypeName,2]
    • StaticResource @ResourceKey
  • XMultiBinding for nesting MultiBinding, Binding, Eval and other markups. You can use at each level IMultiValueConverter, IValueConveter (Work very well with CodingSeb.Converters)
  • IRelayCommand (That inherit from ICommand) to call RaiseCanExecuteChanged() from anywhere
    • RelayCommand
    • RelayCommand<T>
  • Some extensions methods to navigate in both VisualTree and LogicalTree easily from C#
  • NotifyPropertyChangedBaseClass the class to inherit that implementing INotifyPropertyChanged and a public virtual void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")

Code Evaluation stuff use CodingSeb.ExpressionEvaluator

You can also use PropertyChanged.Fody and/or ReactiveUI.Fody to simplify more your Mvvm code