
Repository for November 2019 Hackathon 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hackathon project involving the combination of different data sources into an application or game


  • Combine at least 3 external resources via AJAX requests and present their information in an application
  • Must be issue-managed via meistertask

Judging Criteria

  • Appeal : is it visually appealing / well put together
  • Code Quality : is the code properly formatted, are variables and functions well defined and documented
  • Task / Issue Management : How well was the development process documented / controlled. Were there well-defined issues, milestones, and project management
  • Innovative / Transformative : Did the project do something new and exciting? Was it bold and tried to do things that haven't been done much. Did it combine the data sources together in a way that was more useful than either source by itself
  • Ease of Use / Understanding : Was it easy to use the application / game, or if it was more complex, was the application or game able to provide you with tutorials or instructions that made understanding it a breeze.


  • Team 1

    • Andrew Zhou
    • Yun Chung Yang
    • Weilin Hong
  • Team 2

    • Melissa Murphy
    • Alex Heo
    • Andie Swift
  • Team 3

    • Christopher Ward
    • Evan Montgomery
    • Ethan Cordes
  • Team 4

    • Sebastion Tedesco
    • Kamryn Min
    • Peter Han
  • Team 5

    • Elliot Park
    • Andy Robins
    • Spencer Allen
  • Team 6

    • Andrew Song
    • Anastasia Canlas
    • Alex Aranda
    • Preston Shipman
  • Team 7

    • David Hong
    • James Dinh
    • Timothy Lee
    • Andrew Lo