
Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Edge AI Gateway

This is the Edge Intelligence Summit Gateway

Deploy with Vercel

To setup a custom domain on vercel


Setup & Development

Initialize repo:

pnpm i

Start development version:

cp .env.example .env
pnpm dev

The entry component is Edge.Views.Home and it's located at /src/components/polygon/index.tsx

It loads the edgeai.near/widget/Edge.Views.Home BOS component. The source can be found here.


This is a Next.js app and a fork of NEAR Discovery gateway app.

For static exports just run next build and upload the build files to your hosting provider. More info here.

For Vercel, Cloudflare or others that supports a Next app just connect the repo and follow the deploy steps from the dashboards.

More info on Next.js deployments here.

Running with docker

docker build -t linktree-bos .
docker run -p 3000:3000 linktree-bos