Disease Prediction Machine Learning Model

This python project implements a robust machine-learning model that efficiently predicts human diseases based on symptoms.

Table of Contents


The model is deployed using Streamlit and accessible at this link.


The goal of this project is to develop a machine learning model capable of accurately predicting diseases based on the symptoms exhibited by patients. The model utilizes a dataset from Kaggle containing information on various symptoms and corresponding disease prognoses.


  • Gathering the Data: Utilized a dataset from Kaggle consisting of two CSV files for training and testing, containing 133 columns including symptoms and disease prognoses.
  • Cleaning the Data: Processed the data by removing null values and encoding the target column into numerical form using a label encoder.
  • Model Building: Trained Support Vector Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier, and Random Forest Classifier using the cleaned data. Evaluated models using cross-validation and combined predictions for robustness.
  • Inference: Predicted diseases for input symptoms by combining predictions from all three models. Defined a function to take symptoms as input, predict diseases, and return predictions in JSON format.


Libraries Used

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy.stats
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • sklearn

Code Snippets in the .ipynb File

  • Importing libraries and reading the dataset.
  • Checking dataset balance and encoding the target value.
  • Splitting the data for training and testing.
  • Model building using Support Vector Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier, and Random Forest Classifier.
  • Combining predictions for robust classification.
  • Defining a function to predict diseases based on input symptoms.