This python project implements a robust machine-learning model that efficiently predicts human diseases based on symptoms.
The model is deployed using Streamlit and accessible at this link.
The goal of this project is to develop a machine learning model capable of accurately predicting diseases based on the symptoms exhibited by patients. The model utilizes a dataset from Kaggle containing information on various symptoms and corresponding disease prognoses.
- Gathering the Data: Utilized a dataset from Kaggle consisting of two CSV files for training and testing, containing 133 columns including symptoms and disease prognoses.
- Cleaning the Data: Processed the data by removing null values and encoding the target column into numerical form using a label encoder.
- Model Building: Trained Support Vector Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier, and Random Forest Classifier using the cleaned data. Evaluated models using cross-validation and combined predictions for robustness.
- Inference: Predicted diseases for input symptoms by combining predictions from all three models. Defined a function to take symptoms as input, predict diseases, and return predictions in JSON format.
- Importing libraries and reading the dataset.
- Checking dataset balance and encoding the target value.
- Splitting the data for training and testing.
- Model building using Support Vector Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier, and Random Forest Classifier.
- Combining predictions for robust classification.
- Defining a function to predict diseases based on input symptoms.