
Cryo's Dune game, written entirely in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


This repository contains a reinterpretation from Dune game, originally published by Cryo Interactive. It is written in Swift 5.6 and runs on macOS.


You need the original assets from the game to play it. Create a subfolder DuneFiles and place the files in it.

How to use

The application currently has two modes:

  • Editor view: used to view the assets (shortcut: Cmd + E)
  • Game view: for playing the game (shortcut: Cmd + G)


Code is split between three main sections:

  • Editor: asset viewer
  • Game: the game logic
  • Engine: primitives for parsing original assets, perform world simulation and rendering

Architecture tries to use modern patterns like events and node structure.


I got inspired by prior reverse-engineering works that amazing people made across the years:

A Dune Reborn Discord can be joined to discuss various works around the game here: Join the Discord