Website Performance Optimization portfolio project

Your challenge, if you wish to accept it (and we sure hope you will), is to optimize this online portfolio for speed! In particular, optimize the critical rendering path and make this page render as quickly as possible by applying the techniques you've picked up in the Critical Rendering Path course.


-A- Project Solutions (Part 1 & Part 2) -B- Project Files -C- Installation/Use

-A- Project Solutions

Part 1: Optimize PageSpeed Insights score for index.html

My first step in optimizing this site was to run it through Google PageSpeed Insights and evaluate the output from that system. To accomplish this, I took the following steps:

  1. I first forked and then cloned the original repo to my Mac.
  2. Once cloned, I created a new directory within the project directory called "original" and then copied all of the original files into that directory to make before & after comparisons easier.
  3. Next, I made the necessary updates to git to add the copied files and folders to the repo and pushed the updated repo up as an initial commit.
  4. Once in sync, I then created a new branch in git called gh-pages. This will make it easy to access the pages online by using the GH Pages capability ( Then I pushed this branch up to Github and was able to access it via the URL above.
  5. From here, I put that URL into PageSpeed Insights and was able to get the results and evaluation from PSI.

Once the evaluation completed, the results indicated that there were optimizations available to CSS and a couple of image files, and that there were render-blocking CSS and JavaScript elements to deal with. To resolve these issues, I took the following steps:

  1. Conveniently, there was a link towards the bottom of the results to a ZIP file that contained optimized versions of those files, so I did not have to resolve those issues (resizing images, scaling, etc) manually. I copied the modified files into the appropriate folders in the project directory (leaving all the files in the "original" subdirectory untouched). I would note that resizing the images had a significant impact on the score, moving it from 28 into the 70's.
  2. Next, I moved the analytics-related JS to the bottom of the body tag so that they would not have to load prior to rendering. Related to this step, I also extracted the JS code out of the "perfmatters.js" file and inlined it directly into the head of the index.html file since this code was both critical (had to load before the rest to accurately measure times) and since it was very small code. This eliminated a separate retrieve.
  3. To optimize CSS, I decided to inline the relatively small amount of CSS out of the style.css file and directly into the head of the index file. There was also one rule that was unused on the page, so I deleted it (related to the
     and  tags). Finally, I added a media
    attribute to the print.css  tag so the browser would skip the load
    of that file.
  4. To optimize the layout step of the pipeline, I added width and height attributes to every tag.
  5. Finally, to optimize font loading, I went back to Google Fonts and selected only the weights and styles of the Open Sans font that was being used, and then also only the Latin charset. There were suggestions on that page that provided JS code to use in the document body to help control load order. I removed the tag from the head and instead have the fonts loading via JS from within a script block located at the bottom of the body tag.

With all of these optimizations, I achieved a score of 95/100 on Mobile and 97/100 on Desktop.

There are embedded comments within the index.html file that indicate the changes I made. You can compare this file to the index.html file that is within the 'original' subdirectory in the project for a line-by-line comparison.

Part 2: Optimize Frames per Second in pizza.html

Optimizing the frame rate involved reducing the number of pizzas involved (to only 40, spaced out by 318 pixels intead of 256) and several modifications to the JS contained within views/js/main.js. The following alterations were made:

  1. Create an array called 'pizzas' to contain the created pizza elements. In the interest of "relevance," I located the declaration just above the updatePositions() function block.
  2. Within the function at the very end that attaches an eventListener for the DOMContentLoaded event, I added a statement to push the newly created element onto the Pizzas array. This completely eliminated the need to do a DOM search using document.querySelector.
  3. Within updatePositions(), several optimizations were made: a. Move the computation of the scroll ratio (document.body.scrollTop / 1250) outside the loop body. This calculation won't change, so it was a waste of CPU to recalculate that value n times (where n = number of pizzas). Within the loop body, I maintained the call to Math.sin() using the phases. The optimizations from this step were significant enough to cause me to not bother with further steps around eliminating the calculation of which of the 5 phases the pizza was in. b. Iterate over the previously created pizza array to calculate the new position for each element. As mentioned earlier, creating the array eliminated the DOM query entirely.

These optimizations dropped the 10-frame render time to tenths of milliseconds, easily blowing away the 60fps target rate. Further optimization could be made to reduce the time to paint all of the pizzas, which turns out to be the next longest operation according to the timeline. I suspect that working on moving the pizza animations over to the HTML5 Canvas would yield the greatest gains in performance, but that's only speculation.

Part 2: Optimize pizza slider size redraw functionality

For the 2nd part of the Part 2 optimization, the goal was to reduce the time to redraw the menu pizzas (which are different than the background "scrolling" pizzas" when the user adjusts the size slider near the top of the page. Target is <5ms to redraw as reported in the console.

Multiple optimizations were made to achieve this target: a. As before, an array was created to hold the pizza elements to allow for faster access. This eliminated the need to query the DOM to do a resize since all elements would be neatly contained in the array.

    To build the array, I had to prepopulate it with the two hard-coded
    pizzas that were in the index.html file and had id's of pizza0 and
    pizza1. Rather than further hard-code this in the JS, I elected
    to use getElementsByClassName('randomPizzaContainer') to find any
    and all hard-coded pizzas and add them to the menuPizzas array.
    Further down in the code, there is a function call that randomnly
    generates each pizza on the menu. I added a single line to the
    end of that function that pushes the newly created menu item
    to the menuPizzas array. This also contributed to eliminating the DOM
b.  With this array in place, resizing the pizzas became a matter of simply
    iterating over the array and changing the width attribute to the new
c.  To achieve some slight additional optimization, there were serveral
    variable declarations contained inside for loop bodies that were
    really static (meaning that the value of those variables was constant
    during each iteration of the loop, so there was no reason to calculate
    them inside the loop). Rather, I pulled those initializations out of
    the for loops and tried to reduce the body of the loop to code that
    actually needed to run for each pizza.
d.  Finally, there were a couple of places that I replaced querySelector
    calls with getElementBy... calls to improve performance.

-B- Project Files

The repo contains two sets of all of the files. At the top level of the repo you will find the "final" version of the project. Pointing your browser at will render the index.html file at the top level of the project (this is the optimized version).

The original initial set of files provided are contained in a subdirectory at the top level named "original." To reach the original index.html file, point your browser at:

While you will still find style.css and perfmatters.js in the project "final" files, they are not actually used by index.html as their contents were inlined into the index.html file itself.

The Timeline-Data directory contains png images of the Dev Tools Timeline screen shots. Stage1.5 represents the final project. You'll note that the optimizations from Stage1 to Stage1.5 are minor and that is because I had made many of the "Stage 2" alterations in Stage 1 intuitively.

-C- Installation/Use

The easiest way to use this repo is to fork it. This process will give you both the original files (contained in the 'original' subdirectory) and my final, optimized files at the top level.

Part 2, FPS Rendering Optimization, can be done on your local machine using Chrome Dev Tools. However, to get a Pagespeed Score, the files have to be loaded to a publicly-accessible web server and the URL to that server then fed into PageSpeed Insights. The original repo can be found here:

along with an excellent README file that describes in detail several alternate ways to make a URL reachable to PageSpeed Insights. I chose to use the Github Pages capability described here:

This was the process I followed for my project and is loosely described above in Section -A-.