
A telegram faucet bot for evm blockchains using Cloudflare Workers

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Telegram EVM Faucet Bot

A Telegram bot using Cloudflare Workers and Upstash to give users either native gas tokens or erc20 tokens.

Architecture Diagram

Telegram EVM Faucet Bot Diagram


Setup & Deployment

Make sure after the bot is deployed to go through the Initial Bot Configuration.

Steps to get up and running:

Step 1 - Install Dependencies

# FROM: ./telegram-evm-faucet-bot

pnpm install;

# [Expected Output]:
# Scope: all 3 workspace projects
# Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
# Already up to date
# Done in 1.9s

Step 2 - Login To Cloudflare With Wrangler

# FROM: ./

pnpm cf:login;

# [Expected Equivalent Output]:
# > telegram-evm-faucet-bot@ cf:login /path/to/# telegram-evm-faucet-bot
# > wrangler login
#  ⛅️ wrangler 3.67.1 (update available 3.74.0)
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Attempting to login via OAuth...
# Opening a link in your default browser: https://dash.cloudflare.com/oauth2/...

Double check that you are successfully logged in with the following command:

# FROM: ./

pnpm cf:whoami;

# [Expected Equivalent Output]:
# > telegram-evm-faucet-bot@ cf:whoami /path/to/telegram-evm-faucet-bot
# > wrangler whoami
#  ⛅️ wrangler 3.67.1 (update available 3.74.0)
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Getting User settings...
# 👋 You are logged in with an OAuth Token, associated with the email <YOUR_CF_EMAIL>!
# ┌────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┐
# │ Account Name           │ Account ID                       │
# ├────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤
# └────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────┘
# 🔓 Token Permissions: If scopes are missing, you may need to logout and re-login.
# Scope (Access)
# - account (read)
# - user (read)
# - workers (write)
# - workers_kv (write)
# - workers_routes (write)
# - workers_scripts (write)
# - workers_tail (read)
# - d1 (write)
# - pages (write)
# - zone (read)
# - ssl_certs (write)
# - ai (write)
# - queues (write)
# - offline_access

Step 3 - Configure Environment Variables

Following the environments variables defined in ./apps/bot/.dev.vars and ./apps/queue/.dev.vars you will need run commands in both app folders.

HELP: Where do I get these environment variables?

Bot Environment Variables / Secrets

# FROM: ./apps/bot

# Enter values for prompts for each:
pnpm dlx wrangler secret put TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_QSTASH_TOKEN;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_QSTASH_QUEUE;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put CLOUDFLARE_WORKER_QUEUE_URL;
# NOTE: `CLOUDFLARE_WORKER_QUEUE_URL` can only be set after the cloudflare workers are deployed

# In case of mistake, you can always run:
# pnpm dlx wrangler secret delete <KEY>;

Queue Environment Variables / Secrets

# FROM: ./apps/queue

# Enter values for prompts for each:
pnpm dlx wrangler secret put TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_QSTASH_CURRENT_SIGNING_KEY;

pnpm dlx wrangler secret put UPSTASH_QSTASH_NEXT_SIGNING_KEY;

Webhook Environment Variables

# FROM: ./packages/webhook

cp .env.example .env;

# NOTE: `CLOUDFLARE_WORKER_BOT_URL` can only be set after the cloudflare workers are deployed

Commands Environment Variables

# FROM: ./packages/commands

cp .env.example .env;

# Then add `TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN` to the file

Step 4 - Deploy

This will deploy all the following:

  • bot needed to handle admin and commands
  • queue the queued service to handle processing wallet transactions
# FROM: ./

# Important to add `run` because `deploy` by itself it reserved
pnpm run deploy;

Step 5 - Set Telegram Bot Webhook

Remember you need the following environment variables in ./packages/webhook/.env set before hand.

Set the Telegram Bot Webhook URL with the following command:

# FROM: ./

pnpm webhook;

Step 6 - Set Telegram Bot Commands

Remember you need the following environment variables in ./packages/commands/.env set before hand. This will update the Telegram Bot Menu for easy commands.

# FROM: ./

pnpm commands;

Initial Bot Configuration

Once the setup and deployment is complete, this will walk you through the steps that will be needed to first setup your telegram faucet bot.

Step 1 - Start Activating Superadmin

Start a conversation with your bot and send a /start command.

This will set your username as the Superadmin.

Step 2 - Set RPC Details

Make sure you have a wallet private key handy before configuring this and run a similar command.

# 1 = e.g. chain ID
# chainName = e.g. Berachain
# http://rpcurl.com = Main RPC endpoint e.g. https://bartio.rpc.berachain.com
# $abdc = native gas token e.g. $bera
# 18 = native gas token decimals e.g. 18
# http://blockexplorerurl.com = Main block explorer e.g. https://bartio.beratrail.io
# 0x1234567890abcdef = Wallet private key e.g. 0x...
/rpc set 1 chainName http://rpcurl.com $abcd 18 http://blockexplorerurl.com 0x1234567890abcdef

Step 3 - Set Drip Configuration

Set the default faucet drip for the native gas token and/or erc20 token.

# $token = native gas token or erc20 e.g. $bera or $honey
# 0.1 = amount to drip e.g. 0.1 $bera
# 5m = interval time before a user can make another request e.g. 10m or 4h
/drip set $token 0.1 5m;

Confirm the settings with the following:

/drip settings

Step 4 - Add Tokens (Optional)

You can optionally add more erc20 to support dripping.

# $token = an erc20 token e.g. $honey
# 0xAddress = erc20 address e.g. 0x1234...
# 18 = number of decimals for the token e.g. 18
/tokens add $token 0xAddress 18

Confirm the tokens with the following:


Local Development

(Coming Soon)