
Full REST based API to get Hotel nearby and allow you to make a booking request

Primary LanguageRuby



gem install foreman
bundle install
cp .env.template .env # we are using a foreman env file, 12factor style
vim .env # add google places API key to env file
foreman run rails s


A user of the API is able to do the following

  • CRUD users, hotels, cities, bookings
  • See which hotels are nearby and using that information to create bookings

API endpoints

All endpoints need to be prefixed with /api/v0, e.g. /bookings becomes /api/v0/bookings.


Bookings can be created for one user, one hotel and one date. One user cannot have multiple bookings on the same day.

GET /bookings

Retrieve a list of all bookings for all users.

  "id": 1,
  "hotel": "hotel_name",
  "city": "city_name",
  "user": "user_name"
}, ... ]

POST /bookings

Create a new booking.


GET /bookings/:id

Retrieve a booking with a certain id.

PATCH /bookings/:id

Patch a booking with a certain id.

PUT /bookings/:id

Update a booking with a certain id.

DELETE /bookings/:id

Delete a booking with a certain id.


Hotels belong to a city and have a name.

GET /hotels

Retrieve a list of all hotels.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "The Westin Grand Berlin",
  "created_at": "2016-01-20T22:01:26.819Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-01-20T22:01:26.819Z",
  "city_id": 1
}, ... ]

POST /hotels

Create a new booking.


GET /bookings/:id

Retrieve a hotel with a certain id

PATCH /bookings/:id

Patch a hotel with a certain id

PUT /bookings/:id

Update a hotel with a certain id

DELETE /bookings/:id

Delete a hotel with a certain id


Cities have names and contain hotels.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Berlin",
  "created_at": "2016-01-20T21:59:16.696Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-01-20T21:59:16.696Z"
}, ... ]

GET /cities

Retrieve a list of all hotels.

POST /cities

Create a new booking.


GET /cities/:id

Retrieve a hotel with a certain id

PATCH /cities/:id

Patch a hotel with a certain id

PUT /cities/:id

Update a hotel with a certain id

DELETE /cities/:id

Delete a hotel with a certain id


Users have names and can have multiple bookings.

  "id": 1,
  "name": "name",
  "created_at": "2016-01-20T16:55:32.483Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-01-20T16:55:32.483Z"
}, ... ]

GET /users

Retrieve a list of all users.

POST /users

Create a new user.


GET /users/:id

Retrieve a user with a certain id

PATCH /users/:id

Patch a user with a certain id

PUT /users/:id

Update a user with a certain id

DELETE /users/:id

Delete a user with a certain id


GET /users/:id/bookings

Retrieve all bookings for a user.

  "name": "name",
  "bookings": [


Retrieve all hotels that are nearby. What is nearby gets decided by using a geo ip location server. That means that the suggestions vary by the location of the caller of this api endpoint.

This contains some trivial amount of magic. Everytime new hotels are encountered when requesting this endpoint, the controller adds a record of the hotel and the containing city, provided that they haven't been created before.

This information can then be used to create a booking using the /bookings API endpoint.

For someone living in Berlin, this can look as follows:

  "name": "The Westin Grand Berlin",
  "id": 1,
  "city": "Berlin",
  "city_id": 1
}, ... ]


A test suite containing unit and integration tests can be run using

foreman run rails test