
Front-End Challenge:

Piter (Marketing guy) asked you to implement a cryptocurrency live pricing application, he needs two core features:

  1. List of cryptos sorted by price
  2. A search widget to search on the list of cryptos (searching BTC returns all cryptos with BTC inside their name, like BTCUSDT, BTCETH, ...)

Please use technology of your choice:

  • If you are a web developer you can use: ReactJS/AngularJS/VueJS

Data Source: Take a look at the Binance API documentation link for more information about your source

Back-End Challenge:

We need to provide a RESTful API for front-ends to:

  • Get bitcoin-usd rate periodically (based on the config) then show the rate in the response of "rates" endpoint.
  • Return the rate history of specified coin "bitcoin-usd", It also needs to have "startTime", "endTime" as two filtered params.

Data Source: Take a look at the Binance API documentation link for more information about your source


  • There is no rush to finish the project you have 1 week to finish it (you can ask for an extend if needed)
  • The project should work and deliver the core features and we also consider clean code
  • Please provide a good documentation
  • We appreciate TDD

How to deliver the project?

Please fork this repo and send a pull request whenever you are done