is a mastodon bot that rates pokémon. it can be found at
these instructions are probably not for you
make sure python 3.12ish or higher is installed, and that you're in a venv
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# configure
cp bot.example.yml bot.yml
$EDITOR bot.yml
# run
# build docker image
docker buildx build -t pokemonrates .
# configure
cp bot.example.yml bot.yml
$EDITOR bot.yml
# run
docker run -d -v /absolute/path/to/bot.yml:/app/bot.yml pokemonrates
--restart unless-stopped
may be a wise addition to that docker run
this scrapes names of pokémon from bulbapedia. it's bad but i don't have anything better
python > pokemon.txt
docker buildx build -t pokemonrates:scrape --target scrape .
docker run --rm pokemonrates:scrape > pokemon.txt
note that you'll need to rebuild the bot's main docker image to include the new list of pokémon