
CryptoBot for Discord

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Coinbot is a Discord bot created in Python and used to display some usefull informations about CryptoMarket trading.

Getting Started

The bot is ready to deploy. Just add your Bot Secret token you created with your discord dev account.


You'll need python3.6 installed and some dependancies.

To Install Python3.6 you can follow this tutorial :

Install dependencies

If you do not have pip, you can use the following

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3.6

Install all the requirements :

python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Those dependencies are :

discord aiohttp asyncio requests aylien-apiclient beautifulsoup4

beautifulsoup4 is used only for !event


You don't need to install anything, just git clone the repository, put your secret token and launch main.py

python3.6 main.py

If you want to run the bot on a VPS you should install Screen and run the bot on another detached screen to not stop the bot.

screen -S CoinBot
python3.6 main.py
Ctrl A + D

To see if the bot is running correctly just run the command !infos


The commands

!infos : List of all the available commands
!all [coin(s)] : Get the value of the coin on all exchanges it's listed on
!polo [coin(s)] : Get the value of the coin on Poloniex
!binance [coin(s)] : Get the value of the coin on Binance
!topia [coin(s)] : Get the value of the coin on Cryptopia
!finex [coin(s)] : Get the value of the coin on Bitfinex
!rex [coin(s)] : Get the value of the coin on Bittrex
!top : Get the highest gain and loss of the coins
!cmc : Get the MarketCap of all CryptoCoins
!btc : Get the value of the BTC on all major exchanges
!order [price][% win][% lose] :  To estimate a win/loss trade
Example : !order 750 5 10
!whale [coin] {Limit in BTC, based with 4 BTC}  :  Retrieve the Whale orders on the differents exchanges
Example : !whale xzc || !whale xzc 5
!stats  :  Retrieve the most used commands
Example : !stats || !stats !rex || !stats xzc
!name [name] :  Get the full name of the coin and some additionnal infos
Example : !name eth
!event {next page :1,2,3 etc} :  Retrieve the incoming events
Example : !event  || !event 2
!money :  Get the donation informations
Example : !money
If you want to modify the donation addresses you can go to Coinbot/side_info/donate.py
!conv [coin][quantité] :  To convert the coin value in BTC/USD
Example : !conv eth 10.245
!sum [url]{limit} :  Shorten an article from a website
Example : !sum www.url.com
!db [command] : Can stock someone favorite coin (up to 5 coin/person)

!db add [Rank] [Coin] {Comment} : Add a coin for the person using the command in the Database
Example !db add 5 eth I like Vitalik

!db del [Rank] OU [Coin] : Delete the coin depending on the rank or the coin itself for the person who uses the command
Example : !db del 5

!db get [coin] or [nickname] : Allow to retrieve the coin or the nickname of a person
Example : !db get xzc

!db info : Command's information


Using the !stats command needs to init the database to start registering the stats

!stats init

Using the !db command needs to init the database to start registering the coins

!db init

Tools Used:

  • PyCharm - L'IDE de développement
  • DIscord.py - Le wrapper de communication Discord pour python


If you want to help me with this bot. You can donate BTC and ETH to the following addresses

ETH  [abowallet.eth]
BTC  [1jc3V3T5mefuD9asa7en976NKVGssQuMq]



This project is under the GNU General Public License as seen in license.md