This project is here to provide example of public/private keys based on RSA in an Android Java project. It is not intended to be weaponized and put in nuclear nuke missiles (yeah, I don't complain with US EUA but they are really funny, you should go to read some :p ... also look at those in your country, you have some great lawyer and politicians :') ) but by the way, the app is mostly here for educationnal purposes, I really enjoyed creating this little app - who said that it was because I didn't like seeing that the "great" SnapChat like which told us they were destroying instant messages and was simply ... storing them server side? Yeah yeah still complaining... Let's go into the best part of this README, the PROJECT ! So What do we have here? The project is based on the RSA protocol, a private key / public key cyphering method. What it does is quite simple to understand but the underlying Maths being is quite more tricky (but you still don't need to have a PhD or similar to understand it btw :) ) What are the predicates? You and someone wants to share some messages, well it is ok, you want to cypher it with : - a way to keep the message secret - be sure your friend will know you sent it - wants to make it hard for an attacker or someone else to find the original message (by hard, I mean, you don't want he reads it B) ) ENCRYPTION OK then, how you cypher and decypher a message : you have a public key, pubY and you have a private key privY your friend have a public key, pubF, and a private key privF What are the scanerii? You have your friend public key, pubF - ALSO MAKE SURE HE GAVE IT AND NOBODY DOES (to prevent Man In The Middle) Your friend have yours, pubY you create a message, you cypher it with your friends's key and your friend use his private key to decypher it msg -> msg^pubF = msg_cyphered msg_cyphered -> msg_cyphered^privF = msg simply because the msg^pubF^privF = msg (applying the function with pubF and then privF simply returns the clear message) Do you know understand why it is important to keep the private key secret? Since you are likely to give your public key ;) SIGNATUREEEEESSSSSS But in this case how to give a signature to the message to let your friend be sure you send the message? Well it is very simple here too. What does your friend have ? Your public key ! What do you have? Your private key (cap'tain obvious?) in the first scenario, when you sent your message, the following was applied : msg ^ pubF ^ privF to give the msg in plain texte So what about know the possibility to add : cyphered message to send : message ^ pubF = cyphered signature to send : message ^ privY = signature1 your friend will receive : (cyphered, signature1) know he can do the following : clear : cyphered ^ privF = message signature_clear signature1 ^ pubY = message He can now compare if the decyphered signature is equal to the clear message, if so he knows you sent the message B) BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE INTERCEPTED THE (cyphered, signature) AND KNOWS YOUR PUBLIC KEY ? Simple... he can do : signature ^ pubY = message and ... ouch ... he has the clear text :s Not that cool... How can we prevent someone else to use the signature to have the message in clear ? Easy one :) We will use non reversible functions this means : you have an entry text, you use a function on it and then ... you can't use any other function which applied to the result of the first to have the the entry text. Let's say : We note F the function to apply on a text which gives : F : msg -> hash We can't have (G = F^-1): G : hash -> msg You have this kind of result with md5, sha1, etc... Know we apply this following in our algorithm: You send: cyphered_message = message ^ pubF signature_msg = hash(message) ^ privY ==> (cyphered, signature) Your friend receive this and does : cyphered ^ privF = message signature ^ pubY = some_hash and finally compare hash(message) and some_hash -- if they are equals : a knows he received a text (message) from you and nobody else BUT BE CAREFULL This thing can only work if : - you keep your private key secret ! - be always suspicious about what you read since it is possible algorithms can give information (if you cypher a text of 10 words and a text of 40, an attacker can know you send one message which is longer than the previous one) -- he can't read it but can deduce some information - be sure about what you do in general, never give anyone access to secret information (remember what your parents tell you about strangers, most are not dangerous but you can fell on an NSA ag... sorry on a malicious person) About the Android part. Well this project uses those features : - the Google Cloud Messaging service which permits my own server to send you notification when you can refresh your awaiting messages - Fragments, they are powerful, not difficult to use, so let's play with them! - gradle (functions and variables used in the project, have a look ;) - i'm also preparing some sort of book about Gradle) - zip compression using an alternate library (which provides password management) - Android Beam with NFC enabled functions (I'm preparing a Android KitKat HCE feature to use on enabled device also) CONTACTS You can contact me : twitter = @codlab m@il = or the web : codlab // Kévin Le Perf