
Simple repo as example

Primary LanguageJava

Library Project


Head to the previous repo we developed earlier this week. A Google Drive link will be soon added in this repo

SWT Examples


Despite its age, this library is one of the most powerful for Java you can found. Various examples can be found online. The main doc is available at Eclipse's

Tips to implement graphical pattern

Since MVC can be a little tricky in this implementation (the overall app does not requires the same amount of MVC than a webapp for instance). I propose to implement a React-like behaviour.

To do so, here is a little list of thing to do to implement such a feature :

  • you'll need an interface which will let the implementing classes to provide (have a methode returning) :

    • a Graphical SWT Component
    • destroy / free themself
  • then create an abstract class implementing it

  • this class will manage a list (or not) of possible children. Thise children will be typed as the interface you declared earlier

  • then, create classes corresponding to your "parts" of the app, each one extends the abstract component from earlier

  • if they require sub views, they will append them to their "parent" class

And do not forget to write the according UML representation of the app :

  • the main packages
  • the main use cases (which will lead to your "wireframes" representation)
  • the class diagrams