
React Native of an optimized Chat : contact, conversation and messages

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Getting started

$ npm install react-native-xchat --save

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-xchat

Manual installation


  1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-chat and add RNChat.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNChat.a to your project's Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<


  1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainActivity.java
  • Add import eu.codlab.chat.RNChatPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
  • Add new RNChatPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  1. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':react-native-chat'
    project(':react-native-chat').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/react-native-chat/android')
  2. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      implementation project(':react-native-chat')


The Library provides 4 differents components

import {
} from 'react-native-chat';


The ConversationManager provides accessors to create, list and save the followings :

  • users
    • conversations
    • messages (save only)
import {
} from 'react-native-chat';

//a manager ca
const conversationManager: ConversationManager = new ConversationManager();


Returns : Promise<User[]> the list of users internally known by the library


Parameters :

  • user User a valid User to save into the library (or update)

Returns : Promise the saved instance of the User


Returns : Promise<Conversation[]> the list of Conversation known to the library


Parameters :

  • uuid string the unique identifier of the conversation to create (or update)
  • name string the name of the conversation

Returns : Promise the saved instance of the Conversation


Parameters :

  • user User the instance of User descriptor to save in the conversation
  • conversation Conversation the Conversation to bind the user in

Returns : Promise the success of the operation (normally true)


Parameters :

  • user User the sender of the message
  • conversation Conversation the conversation in which the message has been sent
  • message Message the message to register for both User/Conversation

Returns : Promise the saved Message


Returns : Promise the query state


The ChatView is a simple view which will display automatically messages as soon as they are sent or managed by the library. Any props modification will lead to :

  • reloading the conversation if the uuid is the same
  • loading the new conversation if it changed

Props managed by the View :

  • conversationUUID number the Conversation's uuid

Note that in the future, it'll be possible to directly pass the Conversation object


<ChatView conversationUUId="someUUID" />


Conversations are simple interfaces with the following properties :

  • id number the internal identifier of the conversation
  • uuid string the onversation's uuid
  • name string the conversation's name
  • users User[] The list of Users in the conversation


Users are simple interfaces with the following properties :

  • uuid string the unique identifier
  • avatar string the user's avatar URL
  • name string the user's name
  • additionnal string? optionnal information about the user
  • sent_at number? optionnal Date number representation
  • additionnal number? optionnal Date number representation


Messages are simple interfaces bound to various types :


  • uuid string the unique identifier
  • content string the actual message content
  • additionnal string? optionnal information about the message
  • local boolean optional is this message local? (for instance sent by the user)


(inherits every properties of Message)

  • image string the url of the image to load

(additional is not used)


(inherits every properties of Message)

  • image string? optional image to load as the product (for instance)
  • state_1 string information about the first specific state of the IoT
  • state_2 string information about the second specific state of the IoT
  • state_connectivity_1 string information about the connectivity for the first info
  • state_connectivity_2 string information about the connectivity for the second info


(inherits every properties of Message)

  • image string? optional image to load
  • system boolean indicates if the message is a proper system message
  • error boolean is this message an error ?