
Quick hack for a Neopixel (WS2812) fire animation on an Arduino Uno

Primary LanguageArduino

Firebar WS2812

This project is abonded, use the excellent WS2812FX!

A quick Arduino hack for a buddy to get a WS2812 RGB fire animation for room illumination. The animation is controlled with only two buttons. One for the speed of the flames and the other for the brightness. Nothing fancy.

Your chosen speed and brightness is stored into EEPROM. So the sketch will start with the last values after power loss.


Please read the Adafruit Neopixel Uberguide before attaching Neopixels.

The data pin for the Neopixel-Strip is D4. Buttons are attached to pin D3 (speed) and pin D2 (brightness). Both buttons use the internal pull-up resistor, so wire them to ground.

The amount of pixels is set in NUM_LEDS inside the sketch. Be sure to supply enough power to drive your desired pixel count.
