A Pythonic interface to cricbuzz, with options to get live scores, live commentary and scorecards.
- 2
Schedule and recent matches
#23 opened by kevin85-das - 4 not functional
#26 opened by rakemen - 4
API is dead
#25 opened by virajmane - 6
Information is not correctly available
#24 opened by TeamLazyBuds - 15
Accessing live matches 403 error on Heroku
#19 opened by rakemen - 1
The api url has been crashed now, not working
#22 opened by Saim-Akhtar - 4
Giving 403 Forbidden from AWS
#18 opened by piyush2dev - 1
Want to add method Fullcommentary
#14 opened by Noisycall - 0
- 0
- 0
Error in overs in scorecard
#4 opened by umangahuja1 - 1
Player info
#6 opened by absiddiqueLive - 1
- 0
KeyError: 'srs'
#7 opened - 0
Blank result
#10 opened by jadhavganesh - 6
Blank result
#9 opened by d1xlord - 1
#11 opened by dhairya1431 - 1
- 8
pycricbuzz is broken
#12 opened by appi147