
a scripting language/VM

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT



Scrl is a simple scripting language/VM implemented in Common Lisp.

> (scrl:with-vm () (scrl:repl))
scrl v1

 + 1 2


The VM currently runs around 9x as slow as Python. bench returns the number of milliseconds it takes to execute it's body N times.

recursive fibonacci

 fun fib (n) 
   if < n 2 n else + fib dec n fib - n 2

 bench 100 fib 20

$ python3 fibrec.py 

tail recursive fibonacci

 fun fib(n a b)
   if > n 1 ret fib dec n b + a b else if z? n a else b

 bench 10000 fib 70 0 1
$ python3 fibtail.py