
The code behind the infinite AI content generator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an AI experiment to generate infinite web pages about anything.

The AI content is generated from the page's URL, with a short article about a subject and links for further reading.


This is, obviously, not a great source of 100% accurate information, as the pages are just generated from pre-trained AI knowledge.

So don't shoot me for giving you wrong information from time to time!

Can I run this with my API key?

Of course! This is just an Node.js server, but it requires a few environment variables:

Variable Description
PORT Number. HTTP port to use
API_MODEL String. OpenAI model to use
API_KEY String. OpenAI key
NO_CACHE Optional. Set it to skip file caching
API_STREAM Optional. Set to stream content responses faster.

Can I use it with Docker?

Yup, you can pull the image from GitHub. Here's a minimal example:

docker run --detach --name codr -p80:1234 -e PORT=1234 -e API_MODEL='gpt-3.5-turbo' -e API_KEY='your-key' ghcr.io/codrblog/

curl http://localhost:80/article/what_is_internet