Newsletter Sign-up Form 📬

This project implements a newsletter sign-up form with a success message. Users can input their email address and subscribe to a monthly newsletter. The form includes validation to ensure that the entered email address follows the correct format.



The project consists of an HTML file (index.html), a CSS file (style.css), and a JavaScript file (app.js). Additionally, there is a "thanks" page (thanks.html) for displaying a success message after subscribing.


  • Responsive design for various screen sizes.
  • Email validation to ensure correct format.
  • Success message with a confirmation email on successful subscription.
  • Dismissal option to close the success message.

Technologies Used 💻

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

Let's Connect

Screen Short

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🚀 Happy coding! 🚀 #WebDevelopment #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Frontend #OpenSource