- 4
- 1
Bug: uncaught InvalidArgumentException in CollectionHumanizer::oxford with correct input
#97 opened by userlond - 1
The Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Icu\NumberFormatter::__construct() method's argument $style value 0 behavior is not implemented
#130 opened by maulikinfyom - 1
Make installable for L9
#128 opened by RosiersRobin - 0
#121 opened by crazybitch12 - 2
compatibility with symfony 5
#117 opened by douglasjam - 0
BinarySuffix Division by zero
#103 opened by rauwebieten - 1
Support for English formats
#113 opened by lawzava - 0
- 5
- 2
- 2
Psr-4 autoloading standard
#114 opened by avesgit - 1
- 1
Symfony4 support
#105 opened by kockodev - 2
Problem with big numbers
#92 opened by Xpycts - 6
Division by zero
#83 opened by mikaelcom - 1
Translation error
#82 opened by eshchapov - 6
PHP 7 release
#77 opened by endihunter - 3
- 16
PHP 7 private word
#20 opened by flug - 4
- 5
String::truncate() support for html text
#25 opened by Kehet - 4
Support for different character separators
#45 opened by drgomesp - 5
Is Symfony really required?
#32 opened - 3
License missing
#24 opened by wturyn