Trello board: This link is old please visit if you aim for past documentation:
We have a small corner of functionality covered by RSpec tests. This is a good base for adding more coverage of Ruby based logic within the application.
Build the docker-compose-override site image with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.override.yml build
You only need to do that once. Now you can run the tests with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.override.yml run site bundle exec rspec
Where we have Javascript coverage it is tested using Jest
- Asssuming you have Node installed then run:
npm install npm test
You can serve the site through docker or natively on your machine.
- Install docker
- Install docker compose (on Mac and Windows it comes with docker)
Build image:
docker-compose build
Run container in a watch and auto rebuild mode:
docker-compose up
Stop container:
docker-compose stop
Destroy container:
docker-compose down
You need to do this only once - this builds the image with all the dependencies inside. If you change the project dependencies (Gemfile) then rebuild the image again.
docker-compose build
Run this to run the container with only the latest posts (faster rebuild). Source files are mounted inside the container from your host machine. Site will be rebuilt automatically when you change the source code.
docker-compose up
Open site:
Run this if you want all posts (slower rebuild):
docker-compose run --service-ports site rake serve
If you want to start the container with a different command use:
docker-compose run --service-ports site <command>
Destroy the container and all volumes for this project. Run this if your container is broken.
docker-compose down
As docker "18.06.0-ce-win72 (19098)", you need to setup COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS environment variable and restart the docker service before running docker-compose build
net stop com.docker.service
net start com.docker.service
Then you can run docker-compose build
You will need to add the root source directory in docker desktop to allow binding volumes to it (Settings => Resources => File Sharing in docker desktop) (docs)
Starting the container with docker-compose up
doesnt seem to work but you can run the container directly using the following command.
docker run -p 4000:4000 -v %cd%:/usr/local/src codurance/site:latest rake servepolling
You can use the rake task servepollingquick
to build only the last 10 posts.
Install GSL (GNU Scientific Library) for Ruby:
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install libgsl0-dev
- Fedora/SuSE:
yum install gsl-devel
- Gentoo:
emerge sci-libs/gsl
- OS X:
brew install gsl
Install Ruby Version Manager, Ruby and Bundler:
rvm install ruby
rvm use ruby
gem install bundler
Now run Bundler and serve the site locally:
bundle install
rake servequick
The site should now be running on http://localhost:4000
In case of problems, refer to the troubleshooting section.
To do a post in the website you need to follow the following guidelines:
Add a file with the following name format
. the name of the file will also be the url of the
Create a folder with the same name in
where your images will be stored -
The following metadata is needed for technical and SEO purposes.
author: John Doe
(Same name on theteam.yml
so we can redirect to all your posts)date:
(format YYYY-MMM-DD 00:00:00)layout: post
asset-type: post
this is the displayed title on the websiteabstract
this is a subtitle that is displayed only in the post page, try to make is concise.description
this is needed for sharing purposes, do a quick summary of what is the post aboutimage: src:
this is the banner's picture pathtags
add the tags that you feel go according to the post, is important that you don't repeat other tags with different spelling, to check the tags that exist you can run the python scriptsrc/
You can see an example here:
author: John Doe
layout: post
asset-type: post
title: This is the title of my post
date: 2020-02-19 00:00:00
description: This is the description of the example post, it will appear when someone share's it.
src: /assets/custom/img/blog/2020-02-19-example-post/banner.png
abstract: Small subtitle under the title in the post
- life at codurance
- another tag
- yet another
Links can be added to a post in a couple of ways. The preference is to make sure that target="_blank"
is used so that any links open in a new browser tab and do not take the user away from the blog post or the website.
Javascript on the website will add target blank to any external links when the DOM loads, so you can use markdown style links like this:
[Link Example](
To explicitly set the target of a link you can use HTML in the markdown like this:
<a href="" target="custom">Link Example</a>
- Add an md file to the folder:
(You can use older videos post as a template) - Do not forget the attribute
, for youtube videos, use following format:<video-id>
- Add an image to the video, for youtube videos, make a screenshot here, the image is used on the home page and the carousel. The image is to be saved under
We have a bot that makes a preview of the site for every branch that you create.
If you don't have a PR, you can just replace the branch name in the link below:[branch-name]
If after a pull you can't get docker compose to work and it's complaining about Bundler::GemNotFound
or similar.
This probably means that the docker image has been updated and you local machines "latest" is not in fact the latest.
This can be fixed with:
docker system prune -a
After this the next docker operation will download the correct image.
If after installing ruby you get this following error when doing bundle install
An error occurred while installing libv8 (, and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install libv8 -v '' --source ''` succeeds before bundling.
you'll need to run the following commands to fix the error
$ brew install v8@3.15
$ bundle config build.libv8 --with-system-v8
$ bundle config build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix v8@3.15)
$ bundle install
When using selinux
(e.g. on Fedora) you may encounter an error that a mounted file cannot be accessed from a docker container.
Example error:
$ docker-compose up
Starting site_site_1 ... done
site_1 | /usr/local/bundle/gems/bundler-1.16.6/lib/bundler/definition.rb:33:in `build': /usr/local/src/Gemfile not found (Bundler::GemfileNotFound)
Problem is with permissions for mounted files and folders. To check the files permissions inside container run:
$ docker-compose run site ls -la
-?????????? ? ? ? ? ? Gemfile
-?????????? ? ? ? ? ? Rakefile
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 6269 Jun 28 13:07
If you see questions marks like in the example above for the mounted files it could mean that selinux prohibits docker from accessing them from your disk.
To fix this problem change selinux policies for the whole project:
sudo chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t site/
This problem happens with Linux systems:
header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h not found
in case ruby-dev
package is not installed:
sudo apt-get install ruby-dev
is necessary for building libxml2
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
If other things don't make sense - follow this guide to clear out your cached gems and start the process again
To install ffi gem in the newer versions of MacOS you need install Xcode tool first. After restarting your terminal, the following command need to be executed:
brew install libtool automake autoconf
There are two images used to build and deploy the application. The necessary commands to update them is here. Be aware that if you do it using the tag latest it will affect the master branch at the moment
docker build --file=Dockerfile_build_base -t codurance/website_build_base:latest .
docker push codurance/website_build_base:latest
docker build --file=Dockerfile_deployment_base -t codurance/website_deployment_base:latest .
docker push codurance/website_deployment_base:latest
We have some documentation for backstop here
Backstopjs can be used to regression test websites. It does this by capturing screenshots of the two sites and comparing them. This is especially useful if you are refactoring css.
See the linked documents to show how to install.
Once installed here are the commands to make it work:
backstop reference
backstop test
The first captures a snapshot of the reference site (currently set to The second runs it against the local version of the site (locahost:4000) and compares the differences.
We are using toggles.yml to set toggles "on" or "off".
feature-my-feature: "on"
feature-some-other-feature: "off"
The simpliest use of toggles would be a simple conditional:
{% if == 'on' %}
{% include my-component.html %}
{% endif %}
It should go without saying that once a feature has been switched on in production and is considered stable the toggle should be removed from the codebase.