
Another Advent of Code bot for Slack.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Advent-of-Code Bot

A Slack bot for Advent of Code. Adapted from Tom Swartz's AdventOfCodeLeaderboard, this bot will post to Slack when members of a private leaderboard have earned new stars. It will also post the leaderboard if wanted, sorting by score, breaking ties by stars.


Regardless of how you run you'll need to gather a few items first.

  1. Leaderboard ID: This can be found in the url when viewing your leaderboard.

    https://adventofcode.com/YYYY/leaderboard/private/view/[LEADERBOARD ID]
  2. Session Cookie: While logged in to Advent of Code:

    In Firefox:

    • Open the Developer Tools by pressing F12
    • Click on the small gear on the top right of the Developer Options pane
    • Scroll down and make sure that "Storage" is checked under the Default Firefox Developer Options section
    • Click on the Storage tab
    • Open the Cookies section and copy the "Value" for "session"

    In Chrome:

    • Open the Developer Tools by pressing CTRL + Shift + I or Cmd + Opt + I on Mac
    • Select "Application" from the tool tabs
    • Click the dropdown arrow beside cookies to expand it
    • Select https://adventofcode.com
    • Copy the "Value" for "session"

    These session cookies last for about a month, so grab it close to December 1st.

  3. Slack Webhook: Follow the instructions HERE to create a new webhook for a channel of your choice.

Once you have gathered these items update the env file accordingly.

Running Locally

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
export $(grep -v '^#' env | xargs)
./advent-of-code-bot.py                     # just grab the data
./advent-of-code-bot.py stars               # post any newly earned stars to Slack
./advent-of-code-bot.py leaderboard         # post the leaderboard to Slack
./advent-of-code-bot.py leaderboard stars   # post new stars and the leaderboard to Slack

Running in Docker

  1. Update the crontab to your desired schedule. Defaults to checking for new stars every 30 minutes and posts the leaderboard at 7am. The crontab will also constrain runs to December 1st through 25th, update if needed.

  2. Build the container.

    docker build -t advent-of-code-bot:$(cat VERSION.md) .
  3. Run the container.

    docker run --name advent-of-code-bot --env-file env -d advent-of-code-bot:$(cat VERSION.md)
  4. Stop the container.

    docker stop advent-of-code-bot

Running in K3s on Raspberry Pi 4 Cluster

Yeah this is a bit specific but it's what I'm doing. Should be very easy to adapt to another setup and I may eventually rework it into a Helm chart along with some other niceties. PRs are welcome.

# update the crontab as desired
# build for 64bit arm raspberry pi 4's
make rpi4-container
# push the generated image up to one of the cluster nodes (do this for each node...)
scp advent-of-code-bot-1.0.0.tar <k3s-node>:~/
# hop onto the cluster node and import the image (do this for each node...)
ssh <k3s-node> "sudo k3s ctr images import ./advent-of-code-bot-1.0.0.tar"
# stub out a namespace
kubectl create namespace advent-of-code-bot
# generate secrets
kubectl create secret generic advent-of-code-bot-secret \
  --namespace advent-of-code-bot \
  --from-literal='leaderboard_id=<LEADERBOARD_ID>' \
  --from-literal='slack_webhook=<SLACK_WEBHOOK>' \
# deploy the rest
kubectl apply -f advent-of-code-bot.yml

Some commands that will come in handy:

# tear everything down
kubectl delete namespace advent-of-code-bot
# delete the image from k3s
ssh <k3s-node> "sudo k3s ctr images rm docker.io/library/advent-of-code-bot:1.0.0"
# jump onto the pod to poke around
kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n advent-of-code-bot <POD_ID> -- sh
# update secrets (you'll need to base64 encode the new values, printf "val" | base64)
kubectl -n advent-of-code-bot edit secrets advent-of-code-bot-secret
# cycle the pod to get a new image or load in the new secrets
kubectl -n advent-of-code-bot delete pod/<POD_ID>
# tail the pods logs
kubectl -n advent-of-code-bot logs -f <POD_ID>