Altan Internship Task Readme

Langauge Used

  • Python

Technologies Used

  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework



Python 3.10

install packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

run server

python runserver

Folder Structure

  • atlan_task - Django Related Folder
  • collect - Django App to simulate collect(Form, Response, Questions, Answers)
  • core - Integration Processor/Engine
  • integrations - Integrations built in a plug and play fashion.
  • utils - utility file to create google 0auth token details.


After running the server, go to and login with username admin & password admin@123.

quickstart to test google-sheet integration

get your auth token

As to generate 0Auth tokens required to run this, I have created a small script you can use to generate your google 0auth tokens, it resides in utility/ to run the file: cd utility python after successful authentication it creates a token.json, copy its content.

link integration to a form

visit test paste the contents of token.json in the input field as follows:

    "google_auth" : <PASTE-IT-HERE>

after request completes, integration will be linked to the form

integration triggers on form submission:

visit test2 use demo response object as input with id=2 by pasting the following in the content

"response" : 2

a successful response should show all the integration details.

Additional APIs

create a form

go to collect->form->add or simply visit in the browser.

create a response

go to collect->response->add or simply visit in the browser.