
Epic static page rendering controller with support for nested pages, and routes at the root.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Epic static page rendering controller with support for nested pages, and routes at the root. Heavily inspired by thoughtbot's high_voltage.


Downsides, you say? Yeah, unfortunately the only downside is that we have to use a wildcard route to accomplish the "routes at the root" thing. This means that requests that would normally result in a 404 get routed through BlueSparks::PagesController first. This shouldn't cause any major hiccups, though. If you're still interested, read on for great justice!!!

Routes at the root?

Yeah, I'm talking about awesome routes like:


Instead of:


Static pages?

Yeah, like "About us", "Directions", marketing pages, etc.


% gem install blue_sparks

Include in your Gemfile:

gem "blue_sparks"

Sorry, folks, Rails 3 only.


Write your static pages and put them in the RAILS_ROOT/app/views/pages directory.

% mkdir app/views/pages
% touch app/views/pages/about.html.erb

Here's the really cool part - you can nest pages.

% mkdir app/views/pages/somefolder
% touch app/views/pages/somefolder/index.html.erb
% touch app/views/pages/somefolder/other.html.erb

Now you'll be able to go to /somefolder and /somefolder/other. You can even nest these babies as deep as you like. Have a hundred folder nesting if you want. AWESOME, RIGHT?!


By default, the static page routes will be like /:slug (where :slug is the view filename).

If you want to route to a static page in another location (for example, a homepage), do this:

match '/my/crazy/page/of/doom' => 'blue_sparks/pages#show', :slug => 'mycrazypageofdoom'

In that case, you'd need an app/views/pages/mycrazypageofdoom.html.erb file.

Generally speaking, you need to route to the 'show' action with a :slug param of the view filename.

You can route the root url to a high voltage page like this:

root :to => 'blue_sparks/pages#show', :slug => 'home'

Which will render a homepage from app/views/pages/home.html.erb


Most common reasons to override?

  • You need authentication around the pages to make sure a user is signed in.
  • You need to render different layouts for different pages.

Create a PagesController of your own:

% rails generate controller pages

Override the default route:

# in config/routes.rb
match '/*slug' => 'pages#show'

Then modify it to subclass from BlueSparks, adding whatever you need:

class PagesController < BlueSparks::PagesController
  before_filter :authenticate
  layout :layout_for_page

    def layout_for_page
      case params[:slug]
      when 'home'


Just a suggestion, but you can test your pages using Shoulda pretty easily:

class PagesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  tests PagesController

  %w(earn_money screencast about contact).each do |page|
    context "on GET to /#{page}" do
      setup { get :show, :slug => page }

      should_respond_with :success
      should_render_template page

If you're not using a custom PagesController be sure to test BlueSparks::PagesController instead.




for their awesome high_voltage gem.

The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.


BlueSparks is Copyright © 2011 Cody Krieger. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.