
[wip] WordPress XML-RPC-to-Micropub bridge

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microbridge is a WordPress XML-RPC-to-Micropub bridge.


As far as end-to-end XML-RPC-to-Micropub functionality is concerned, at present, microbridge only fully supports:

  • Getting the list of categories
  • Getting the list of posts

WIP/partial/stubbed support is available for:

  • Creating posts
  • Editing posts
  • Creating categories
  • Uploading images/media


I use MarsEdit to create and manage Micro.blog posts. MarsEdit can speak to Micro.blog via the MetaWeblog API, but MetaWeblog does not support the concept of drafts. Micro.blog also supports the Micropub API, which does support drafts, but MarsEdit does not yet understand how to speak Micropub.

So, until such a time as MarsEdit natively supports Micropub, it can instead speak to microbridge, which implements enough of the WordPress XML-RPC API to make MarsEdit happy.