
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ChaCha API Documentation

The ChaCha API allows users to connect and have interesting conversations with other bored users.

This README provides an overview of the available endpoints and their functionality.

Getting Started


Before setting up and running the API, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python (3.6 or higher)
  • Django
  • Docker


To use this Django REST API, follow these instructions:

  1. Installation:
    • Clone the repository to your local machine:

      git clone https://github.com/codynego/ChaCha.git
      cd your-repo
    • Install project dependencies using pip:

      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Apply database migrations:

      python manage.py makemigrations
      python manage.py migrate
    • Pull and run all images from docker:

      docker-compose pull
      docker-compose up
    • Start the development server:

      python manage.py runserver


The following are the available endpoints for the BoredChat API:


  • GET /api/stories/
    • Get a list of stories.
  • POST /api/story/
    • Create a new story.
  • GET /api/story/int:pk/
    • Get details of a specific story.
  • POST /api/story/text/
    • Create a new text story.
  • POST /api/story/image/
    • Create a new image story.
  • POST /api/story/video/
    • Create a new video story.
  • GET /api/story/reaction/<story_id>/
    • Get reactions for a specific story.
  • POST /api/story/reaction/
    • Create a reaction for a story.


  • GET /api/feeds/
    • Get interesting feeds for bored users.


  • GET /api/messages/str:room_id/
    • Get a list of messages for a specific room.
  • POST /api/conversations/
    • Create a new conversation.
  • GET /api/conversation/str:pk/
    • Get details of a specific conversation.

Secret Key

  • GET /api/secretkey/
    • Get a secret key.


  • POST /api/auth/token/
    • Obtain an access token.
  • POST /api/auth/token/refresh/
    • Refresh an access token.
  • POST /api/auth/user/register/
    • Register a new user.
  • POST /api/auth/user/verify-email/
    • Verify the user's email.
  • POST /api/auth/user/resend-verify-email/
    • Resend email verification.

User Management

  • GET /api/user/me/
    • Get user profile information.
  • PUT /api/user/me/
    • Update user profile information.
  • POST /api/user/follow/
    • Follow another user.
  • POST /api/user/unfollow/
    • Unfollow another user.
  • POST /api/user/review/
    • Post a review for a user.
  • GET /api/user/followers/
    • Get a list of followers.
  • GET /api/user/following/
    • Get a list of users being followed.
  • POST /api/user/interest/
    • Add or remove interests.


  • Token-based authentication is used for user access to protected endpoints.
  • To obtain an access token, use the /auth/token/ endpoint.
  • To refresh an access token, use the /auth/token/refresh/ endpoint.
  • Include the token in the Authorization header for authenticated requests.

User Registration and Verification

  • Users can register using the /auth/user/register/ endpoint.
  • Email verification is required and can be initiated using /auth/user/verify-email/.
  • Resend verification emails using /auth/user/resend-verify-email/.

User Management

  • Manage user profiles using /user/me/.
  • Follow or unfollow other users with /user/follow/ and /user/unfollow/.
  • Post reviews for users using /user/review/.
  • Retrieve followers and users being followed with /user/followers/ and /user/following/.
  • Add or remove interests using /user/interest/.