
Your Trello card assignments wrapped up in a nice, warm shell.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


All your assigned Trello cards wrapped up in a warm shell.

How to Use It

  1. Go to https://burrito.work and click 'Login with Trello'.
  2. After logging in, you'll see all the cards assigned to you.
  3. Click the card to open it in a new window.
  4. Profit?


  • Minimal Design
  • Auto Refresh

That's all the features for now.

Contributing to Burrito

Burrito uses the yarn package manager. Clone the repo to your machine and run yarn to install all dependencies.

Some developer tools and scripts are already available inside the repo that help with code formatting, code linting, and building.

  • yarn run build This will build a uncompressed version of the app to get it running locally.
  • yarn dev Boots up webpack-dev-server with live reloading.
  • yarn run lint eslint will check for errors and issues. Following Airbnb's code style guidelines.
  • yarn run format prettier will format and write the codebase uniformly.
  • yarn run build:production Builds a production-ready, optimized and minimized version of app. Run this before submitting your pull request.

Infrequently Asked Questions

Why did you call it "Burrito"?

Trello's mascot is "Taco from Trello." I prefer to eat my Mexican swaddled up burrito style. idk. It's 4 AM.