
A Tampermonkey script to redirect YouTube /shorts/ to /watch?v=.

MIT LicenseMIT



A Tampermonkey script to redirect YouTube /shorts/ to /watch?v=.

Created for: https://stackoverflow.com/q/72193424/12762299



  1. Install Firefox
  2. Install Tampermonkey browser extension for Firefox
  3. In Firefox, in your Extensions toolbar, click 'Tampermonkey' -> 'Dashboard'
  4. Click and drag 'YouTube - Shorts Redirect.user.js' into the Tampermonkey Dashboard
  5. Click the 'Install' button to install the script into the Tampermonkey browser extension
  6. In the Tampermonkey Dashboard, enable the 'YouTube - Shorts Redirect' script
  7. The script will now be running and automatically redirect YouTube /shorts/ to /watch?v=.