
A Christmas present for my mom, who's a big fan of David Brooks. It's a simple web app that features a collection of Brooks' columns.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Letters from David Brooks

Get started

First, set up brooks-server. That package provides a REST API that serves article data. This package only contains Webpack assets. It fetches data from the brooks-server.

After you set up brooks-server, clone this repo and install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/codyromano/brooks.git
cd brooks
npm install


sudo chown $USER /usr/local/bin/
npm install -g webpack webpack-dev-server
webpack-dev-server --watch --progress --colors

In a separate terminal window, run:

webpack --watch

Open http://localhost:9000


I deployed a "One-click Node" droplet using Digital Ocean. The droplet uses Ubuntu, but the following instructions should apply to most other operation systems, too.

Assuming you already have npm, install a few additional CLIs:

npm install -g forever http-server webpack

Create a production-optimized Webpack bundle:

webpack -p

Permanently run a web server that serves static conent from the Webpack public folder:

/usr/bin/forever start /usr/bin/http-server /root/brooks/public/ -p 80