
a Vagrant devbox on Archlinux

How to start the Virtual Machine

vagrant up

VM configuration

use settings.yml to custom some parameter of the vm

vm_name: dev-box-archlinux  # name of the vm
vm_ip:        # ip of the vm
vm_mem: 4096                # max ram of the vm
vm_cpus: 4                  # nb cpus of the vm

Packages installed

  • bash-completion
  • firefox
  • eclipse-jee
  • jre8-openjdk
  • maven
  • git
  • kdiff3m
  • meld
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • xfce4
  • xfce4-goodies
  • xorg-server
  • xorg-server-utils
  • xorg-xinit
  • lightdm-gtk-greeter