
Client for UbuntuOne file Storage with local encryption

uOneCrypt - v0.1 [BETA]
## uOneCrypt is NOT AN OFFICIAL UBUNTU SOFTWARE.  This software ##
## is to be used at YOUR OWN RISK. I do not take any            ##
## responsibility for any damage or any data loss.              ##

This project is aimed to allow use Ubuntu One File storage using any OS and
allowing to crypt data in your local OS using your private key.

This is a wrapper of the Ubuntu REST API:
All you need is to fill the config file [uOne.cfg] and execute uOneCrypt.py

uOne.cfg has de following parameters:

uone_user = your@email.address
uone_passwd = your@Ubuntu_one.password
key = passphrase (will be digested with sha256 to generate your private key)

- Software dependences are only Python >=2.6 and PyCrypto 
- Ecryption only works for files stored under /CRYPT

Each directory unter /CRYPT will have a .ToC file containing the names 
of the files and directories.

DON'T MODIFY ANY FILE INSIDE /CRYPT if you want to keep the filesystem consitent.

Features/TODOs [ - Pending, # Done ] 

[-] Fuse module for OSX/Linux/Windows
[-] Recursive upload and download in directories
[-] Autocompletion of directories and files
[-] Exception control and checking
[-] Comments in the code
[-] Python 3 compatibility
[-] Progress (percentage) information
[-] File Recovery tool for inconsistent CryptedFS
[#] Basic operations on file and directories
[#] Information encryption under /CRYPT directory
[#] Path encryption under /CRYPT directory
[#] FS Caching

Known Problems

-	PUT request
	has a timeout problem, so that if you have a slow upload transfer rate
	your files won't be uploaded.  My upload rate transfer is 0.49Mbps
	(aprox 60Kb/s) and the largest file I can upload has a size of ~50-60 MB.