This repository provides YAML
files to deploy a Postgres cluster on Kubernetes. The cluster is managed by the
CrunchyData Postgres Operator (PGO) v5. PGO ensures replication and automatic failover. Pgpool-II provides connection
pooling and query load balancing. Any write queries are directed to the master database instance while read queries are
load balanced across all instances.
Before running the Postgres cluster, the following dependencies are required:
- A Kubernetes cluster with
For this project, a cluster was initialized with minikube. Minikube can be started as follows:
minikube start
Some configuration of this setup can be adjusted to your needs. Depending on how many replicas are required, the value for spec.instances.replicas
in postgres/postgres.yaml
can be edited. Note that a value of 1 means that there is only a master database.
Based on how many replicas are defined, the load balance ratio (for read queries) should be redefined. Ideally, we want each database instance to receive the same amount of read queries. For instance, for a master and two slaves (so spec.instances.replicas
is set to 3), 33% of the read queries should go to the master service and 67% goes to the slave service. This is defined in pgpool/pgpool-configmap.yaml
under data.pgpool.conf
database_redirect_preference_list = postgres:standby(0.67),hippo:standby(0.67)
Initially, the database is empty. It does not contain any tables. A Docker container was created that creates a demo database and seeds it.
There is a Kubernetes Job
that runs the container to initialize the database. Similarly, a different Docker container can be built that specifies other data.
The example can be found in liquibase.docker
and a tutorial is also available.
A Spring application can be deployed using the spring/spring-v1.yaml
and spring/spring-v2.yaml
This installation provides a demo Spring application. To replace the demo application, follow this tutorial to build a Docker image.
Finally, update the image
in the spring/spring-v1.yaml
file. The same can be done for the new application version.
Initially, the Postgres cluster is being monitored by Prometheus. If you do not want the additional workload, monitoring can be disabled by removing the following lines from postgres/postgres.yaml
While the Kubernetes cluster is up, the Postgres cluster can simply be installed by running the following command:
This installs the CrunchyData Postgres Operator, creates a Postgres cluster and sets up a Spring service that connects to the Pgpool-II service.
The command kubectl -n postgres-operator get all
should return something like:
pod/crunchy-alertmanager-5fdb768b96-2fmc9 1/1 Running 0 68s
pod/crunchy-grafana-85799958b8-dxtqt 1/1 Running 0 68s
pod/crunchy-prometheus-67b84d64b9-6blnb 1/1 Running 0 68s
pod/hippo-instance1-kjbk-0 4/4 Running 0 65s
pod/hippo-instance1-kzxg-0 4/4 Running 0 64s
pod/hippo-instance1-z9jj-0 4/4 Running 0 64s
pod/hippo-repo-host-0 1/1 Running 0 64s
pod/liquibase-zh7vh 1/1 Running 2 (39s ago) 67s
pod/pgo-85684987c9-mhvqj 1/1 Running 0 70s
pod/pgpool-9649b64bc-bjczk 1/1 Running 0 68s
pod/pgpool-9649b64bc-mnjdv 1/1 Running 0 68s
pod/pgpool-9649b64bc-rn66m 1/1 Running 0 68s
pod/spring-65869894f5-5scmg 1/1 Running 0 28s
pod/spring-65869894f5-shfcf 1/1 Running 0 28s
pod/spring-65869894f5-xpwsp 1/1 Running 0 28s
service/crunchy-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP 68s
service/crunchy-grafana ClusterIP <none> 3000/TCP 68s
service/crunchy-prometheus ClusterIP <none> 9090/TCP 68s
service/hippo-ha ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 65s
service/hippo-ha-config ClusterIP None <none> <none> 65s
service/hippo-pods ClusterIP None <none> <none> 65s
service/hippo-primary ClusterIP None <none> 5432/TCP 65s
service/hippo-replicas ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 65s
service/pgpool-svc ClusterIP <none> 9999/TCP 68s
service/spring-svc ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 68s
deployment.apps/crunchy-alertmanager 1/1 1 1 68s
deployment.apps/crunchy-grafana 1/1 1 1 68s
deployment.apps/crunchy-prometheus 1/1 1 1 68s
deployment.apps/pgo 1/1 1 1 70s
deployment.apps/pgpool 3/3 3 3 68s
deployment.apps/spring 3/3 3 3 28s
replicaset.apps/crunchy-alertmanager-5fdb768b96 1 1 1 68s
replicaset.apps/crunchy-grafana-85799958b8 1 1 1 68s
replicaset.apps/crunchy-prometheus-67b84d64b9 1 1 1 68s
replicaset.apps/pgo-85684987c9 1 1 1 70s
replicaset.apps/pgpool-9649b64bc 3 3 3 68s
replicaset.apps/spring-65869894f5 3 3 3 28s
statefulset.apps/hippo-instance1-kjbk 1/1 66s
statefulset.apps/hippo-instance1-kzxg 1/1 65s
statefulset.apps/hippo-instance1-z9jj 1/1 66s
statefulset.apps/hippo-repo-host 1/1 65s
job.batch/liquibase 0/1 69s 69s
If not all pods are in the RUNNING
state, wait for a while and run the command again before continuing.
The Spring application is run on three different replicas. A load balancer sits in front of it to distribute the incoming requests. It is possible to interact with the web application by exposing the load balancer and directing a web request to it. This can be done with the following command:
# when a local cluster is running on minikube
minikube service -n postgres-operator spring-svc
This opens a web page at{port}
. Where port
is randomly assigned.
To connect to the Kubernetes cluster from outside, we need to expose the Pgpool-II service. This can be done with either one of the following two commands:
# when a local cluster is running on minikube
minikube service -n postgres-operator pgpool-svc --url
This shows a URL in the form of:{port}. It is, for instance, possible to connect to the service through psql using the given port.
PGPOOL_POD=$(kubectl -n postgres-operator get pod -o name -l | head -n 1)
kubectl -n postgres-operator port-forward "${PGPOOL_POD}" 30200:5432
This exposes one of the pods in the ReplicaSet
. In this case, the port that exposes the service is 30200. Psql can be used as follows to connect to the service:
psql -h localhost -p {port} -U hippo -d postgres
As mentioned, Prometheus monitoring is enabled and provides metrics for the Postgres cluster. It can be accessed by exposing the Grafana service like so:
kubectl -n postgres-operator port-forward svc/crunchy-grafana 3000:3000
Next, go to localhost:3000
and login with username admin and password admin. Go to the dashboard screen, click the cluster and navigate to one of the metric pages.
The database schema can be migrated by creating a Kubernetes job similar to the database initialization using Liquibase.
It is also possible to use a local Liquibase installation. Then specify the database connection in the
file and expose the Pgpool-II service.
The liquibase-zd plugin is useful to apply the expand-contract pattern and migrate the database schema without any downtime.
The expand-contract pattern starts with an expand step that migrates the database schema to a mixed-state supporting both version v1 and v2.
After performing the expand step using Liquibase, several instances of the updated application can be deployed next to the old application.
First, the domain model in the Spring application needs to be updated. The image for the updated application can be used for the deployment specified in spring/spring-v2.yaml
After running kubectl apply -f spring/spring-v2.yaml
, ensure that the new application functions correctly.
Next, all clients need to be redirected to the new application instances. This can be done by updating the Spring service configuration. In spring/spring-svc.yaml
add a new selector called
with a value of v2
Then, apply the new configuration by running kubectl apply -f spring/spring-svc.yaml
The old application instances can now be taken down using kubectl delete -f spring/spring-v1.yaml
As the final step, the contract step can be applied using Liquibase.