MITgcm class material for COESSING 2023 git clone Class objectives: 1. GitHub: a) Create a github account and an ssh key to keep track of all your work instructions for doing this are under doc/git_tips.txt b) Install Linux if your are using a Windows OS instructions for doing this are under doc/Ubuntu_on_Windows.txt c) Octave installation, including graphics package, on each laptop d) MITgcm installation instructions and notes for each laptop/OS flavor instructions for doing this are under doc/MITgcm_on_*.txt e) Everyone needs to check-in some modification, improvement, clarification to github 2. MITgcm: a) Install gfortran and MITgcm and run single-processor natl_box b) Install MPI and run multi-processor natl_box c) Install/run GulfGuinea MITgcm cutout d) Run above for at least 15 days (January 16 1992 to Feb 1, 1992) using MPI on all participants laptops. 3. GulfGuinea: a) Plot bathymetry b) Generate movie of monthly-mean SST for 1996-1998 c) Generate movie of depth-integrated total Chlorophyll (Chl01 to Chl05) d) Time series of SST and total, depth-integrated Chlorophyll in some interesting subregion based on above movies 4. Prepare and practice group project presentation a) Learn to use FFmpeg for completing task 3.c) above b) Use Google Slides for collaborative development of presentation c) Download to odp or pptx format on laptop for presentation, to avoid network issues d) Understand/discuss the science e) Practice, Criticize, Fix, Repeat!